
大脑皮层结构中起着关键作用的大脑记忆,注意力,知觉意识,思想,语言,和意识。它构成了大脑的最外层。在保存的大脑,它有一个灰色的颜色,因此得名“灰质”。灰质是由神经元和无髓鞘的纤维,而下面的白质的灰质皮层形成主要由有髓鞘的轴突连接不同地区的中枢神经系统。人类的大脑皮层是2 - 4毫米(0.08 - -0.16英寸)厚。

大脑皮层表面折叠在大型哺乳动物,这样,超过三分之二的皮质表面被埋在凹槽,被称为“沟”。的phylogenetically most recent part of the cerebral cortex, the neocortex, also called isocortex, is differentiated into six horizontal layers; the more ancient part of the cerebral cortex, the hippocampus (also called archicortex), has at most three cellular layers, and is divided into subfields. Relative variations in thickness or cell type (among other parameters) allow us to distinguish between different neocortical architectonic fields. The geometry of at least some of these fields seems to be related to the anatomy of the cortical folds, and, for example, layers in the upper part of the cortical ridges (called gyri) seem to be more clearly differentiated than in its deeper parts.
