George Institute for Global Health

乔治全球健康研究所是一个它的endent medical research institute dedicated to improving global health. The George Institute conducts high impact research that targets preventable illnesses and injuries that are the leading causes of death and disability worldwide, including heart and kidney disease, stroke, diabetes, and injury. It is ranked in the top 10 research institutions in the world for research impact by the SCImago Institutions Rankings World Reports.


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The piles of sugar hidden from shoppers by food manufacturers

New research shows that two thirds of all packaged foods on supermarket shelves contain added sugars—including some you might not expect—and they're hard to identify, thanks to confusing terms used by food manufacturers.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

'Glass baby' makes future parents think before they drink

A hard-hitting awareness campaign on the dangers of drinking during pregnancy successfully increased concerns about unborn babies' exposure to alcohol and discouraged women from drinking while pregnant.
