
recent Penn State study examined the use of two different scales that researchers could use with young adults to ask them how intoxicated they feel after drinking. The top figure shows the new four-anchored scale developed at Penn State that contains words commonly used by young adults, and the bottom figure shows a standard scale used by researchers. The four-anchored sliding scale puts the word "Drunk" in a context between "Tipsy/'Happy'" and "Wasted." The study found that the four-anchored sliding scale was effective in gauging how young adults feel when they have been drinking and predicting the associated negative consequences. Based on these findings, Ashley Linden-Carmichael, assistant research professor at the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center, recommends the use of the four-anchored sliding scale. Credit: Penn State">
多么醉酒“醉酒?”新规模有助于预测负饮用效果recent Penn State study examined the use of two different scales that researchers could use with young adults to ask them how intoxicated they feel after drinking. The top figure shows the new four-anchored scale developed at Penn State that contains words commonly used by young adults, and the bottom figure shows a standard scale used by researchers. The four-anchored sliding scale puts the word "Drunk" in a context between "Tipsy/'Happy'" and "Wasted." The study found that the four-anchored sliding scale was effective in gauging how young adults feel when they have been drinking and predicting the associated negative consequences. Based on these findings, Ashley Linden-Carmichael, assistant research professor at the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center, recommends the use of the four-anchored sliding scale. Credit: Penn State" width="730" height="469">
一种最近的宾夕法尼亚州立学习研究了使用两种不同的尺度,研究人员可以与年轻人一起使用,以问他们饮酒后的感受多么陶醉。顶部的图显示了在宾州发布的新的四个锚定规模,其中包含年轻成年人常用的单词,底部图显示了研究人员使用的标准规模。四个锚定的滑动秤在“醉”之间的语境中,“醉”和“浪费”之间的语境中的“醉酒”。该研究发现,四个锚定的滑动尺度在衡量幼年成年人的饮酒和预测相关的负面后果时都有效。基于这些调查结果,Ashley Linden-Carmichael,助理研究教授Edna Bennett Pierce Prive Research Center,建议使用四个锚定的滑块。信用:宾夕法尼亚州


“我们想了解哪些话正在使用的是,他们是物质滥用的最高风险,“埃德纳贝内特皮尔斯预防研究中心和研究的主要调查员,助理和人类发展助理研究教授Ashley Linden-Carmichael说。”我们需要达成共识成年人谈论酒精的影响,所以我们可以正确测量效果。“

规模由四个均匀间隔的锚点组成 - 略微嗡嗡的锚点,醉意/“快乐,”醉酒,浪费和受访者可以在规模上标记。用作尺度锚点的单词是通过从年轻人中的众包中的众包来确定以前的研究也由Linden-Carmichael领导。


为了比较锚定和标准尺度,研究团队使用的数据从154岁的成人收集的数据收集了18-25岁,在过去的两周内至少报告了一部分重的饮酒集,并在过去一个月内结合了酒精和大麻使用。他们分析了两种尺度如何预测每日级酒精消费和在14天的过程中发现,四锚式滑动尺度同样地进行了良好的标准规模,以预测醇类使用结果。结果介绍了林登 - 卡米克尔和华盛顿大学研究助理,最近发表在杂志和临床精神医学杂志上的研究助理。


直到最近,根据Linden-Carmichael的说法,没有类似的规模用于测量大麻使用的主观效果。作为成瘾和创新实验室的联合主管,她正在研究预防和方法论培训计划的研究,博士生·雷尼克莱尔在四个锚定的规模上,报告了大麻的影响,这些用词“放松”,“平静”/寒冷,“高”和“扔石烧/烤”作为锚点。她还与Alyssa Abrams合作,学校心理学的博士候选人,在一项研究调查言语时使用,描述他们在使用酒精和大麻时的感受。





更多信息:Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael等,使用当代年轻成人语言测量日常生活中的主观酒精效应。实验和临床精神武装科学(2021)。DOI:10.1037 / PHA0000447

