
Dartmouth和Dartmouth-Hitchcock的诺里斯棉癌中心的研究团队发现,在美国靶向人乳头瘤病毒(HRHPV)菌株的相同疫苗接种计划可能并不有效保护来自疾病的其他妇女群体。Years of work in Honduras, led by Gregory J. Tsongalis, Ph.D., has shown a very different prevalence of hrHPV there compared to the U.S. The majority of cervical cancers are caused by persistent infection with hrHPV with different vaccines available to protect against HPV infection. These findings, "HPV, Vaccines, and Cervical Cancer in a Low- and Middle-Income Country" are newly published in癌症中的当前问题

"After testing 2,645 women from multiple locations in Honduras for types of hrHPV and finding the prevalence of virus types to be quite different from those in the U.S., we asked what vaccine would be the most efficacious for the local situation, and which hrHPV types are most commonly found in来自洪都拉斯妇女的组织,“Tsongalis说。”针对两个HPV类型的二价疫苗和四种HPV类型的四重疫苗只会保护大约有一半的妇女在洪都拉斯感染这种病毒。最昂贵的疫苗会保护大多数女性,但中等收入国家的许多疫苗接种计划使用较低的疫苗,这些疫苗并未提供充分的保护。“


更多信息:Lauren M.Petersen等人,HPV,疫苗和中等收入国家的宫颈癌,癌症中的当前问题(2020)。DOI:10.1016 / J.CurrProbrCancer.2020100605