
内存性能和其他认知能力受益于良好的血液供应到大脑。这尤其适用于人受到一个条件称为“零星的脑小血管疾病。”Researchers of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the University Medicine Magdeburg report on this in the journal大脑。他们的研究表明,血液灌注所谓的海马可能发挥关键作用的年龄和疾病相关的记忆问题。


一组科学家由斯蒂芬妮施赖伯教授和教授Emrah Duezel,隶属于DZNE和医学马格德堡大学研究这个问题。研究人员使用高分辨率磁共振成像(MRI)检查供应的海马体47 45到89岁的男性和女性。研究参与者还接受了神经心理学测试电池,评估,特别是内存性能、语言理解和也集中。


“大家都知道,海马体是由一个或两个动脉。也只有一两个海马的发生,它发生在每一个大脑,是由两艘船。这是个体之间的差异。原因是未知的,”施赖伯解释道。“也许有遗传倾向。然而,也有可能个人的血液供给结构由于生活环境的发展。个人的生活方式会影响海马体的血液供应。”In the cognition tests, those study participants in whom at least one hippocampus was doubly supplied generally scored better. "The fact that the blood supply is fundamentally important for the brain is certainly trivial and has been extensively documented. We were therefore particularly focused on the hippocampus and the situation of a大脑的血管。其实知之甚少。”




“我们的研究显示一个明确的血液供应海马体和认知能力之间的联系,”施赖伯总结结果。“这表明大脑血流量可能发挥关键作用在内存性能的下降,是否由年龄或疾病引起的。”Such findings help to understand disease mechanisms and can also be useful for the development of novel treatment options, she indicates: "At present we can only speculate, because we don't know, but it is possible that lifestyle has an influence on the formation of the blood vessels that supply the hippocampus. This would then be a factor that can be influenced and thus a potential approach for therapies and also for prevention. This is a topic we intend to investigate."

更多信息:瓦伦蒂娜Perosa et al,海马血管储备与认知能力和海马体积,大脑(2019)。大脑/ awz383 DOI: 10.1093 /
