


该研究报告说,在国家的三个生活中的220万个无证人中,其中三分之三是其中,其中九点是没有保险的。相比之下,大约有10人在国家出生并记录了国家的低收入居民。该研究将低收入限定为低于或低于138%的收益(单身人士为16,754美元; 2018年四家的家庭34,638美元)。




Using 2016 and 2017 California Health Interview Survey data for adults ages 19 to 64, authors of the study found that, compared to U.S.-born and documented low-income residents in the state, undocumented low-income adults are more likely to be 26 to 44 years of age (56 percent vs. 19 percent), be in families with children (63 percent vs. 37 percent), and employed (67 percent vs. 60 percent). They are less likely to have multiple chronic条件(26%与42%)。

Pourat表示,为了保持健康,人们需要及时获得实惠的护理。But the current study reports the undocumented are more likely to lack a regular source of care (44 percent vs. 24 percent of U.S.-born and documented people) and to have gone without preventive care in the past year (38 percent vs. 21 percent).


更多信息:通过保险低收入的成年人减少加利福尼亚州的获取差异。 ... tail.aspx?pubid = 1804